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Developed by Ami Koreh @ PRR

Road Charge Calculator

Compare For Yourself

Curious about your potential Road Charge payment vs. the current fuel tax structure? Use this calculator to compare the current monthly fuel tax vs. the per-mile Road Charge payment.




Find your vehicle's MPG here.

How Much You Pay Per Month:

Please enter your selection for Location, Mileage, and your vehicle's MPG in order to see your results.



Federal fuel tax of $0.184 per gallon is used in this calculator.
This calculation tool is for informational purposes only and may not apply to your situation. It is intended to help consumers understand the “set costs” of a gallon of gasoline based on the selected State's fuel taxes on a gallon of gasoline plus the federal taxes. The calculation is based on comparing the State's fuel taxes to road usage charges incurred by driving on State's roads. It may not take into account other local option fuel taxes. Rates are rounded to the nearest hundredth decimal.
For sales tax on fuel, price per gallon calculation was based on AAA average prices for 1/1/2016.
The Washington State calculations use the June 2016 state fuel tax of 44.5 cents per gallon and assume a state road use charge of 2.37 cents per mile.
*Electric vehicles in Washington State currently pay an annual $150 fee.